• How will teleworking

  • Shape the sustainability

  • Of our cities?

About the SDCN

As our ways of working evolve and become more sustainable, what will be the impact as our cities change and adapt?

The Sustainable Digital Cities Network (SDCN) is a network of urban policy, urban and transport planning professionals and technology providers who are exploring the impacts of teleworking and smart work centres on our cities. Teleworking, or anywhere working, can overcome the time, stress and cost of daily commuting, reduce urban congestion, and reduce pressure on transport systems at peak commuting times. They can be a catalyst for the revitalisation of suburban and regional commerical centres.

Our Interest

Urban Impacts of Teleworking Future

The last great technological advancement that reshaped cities was the automobile (some might argue it was the elevator). In both cases, these technologies reshaped the physical aspects of living in cities – how far a person could travel or how high a building could climb. But the fundamentals of how cities worked remained the same. What’s different about the information age that has been ushered in by personal computers, mobile phones and the Internet is its ability to reshape the social organization of cities and empower everyday citizens...

-- Christian Madera --

Our Team

SDCN is one of four stakeholder networks supported by the Australian Government Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy. The others are the:

  • Australia Anywhere Working Research Network,
  • Telework Leadership and Management Network, and
  • Telework Participation and Social Inclusion Network

Coordinated By

Meet the coordinating team



Associate Professor

Institute for Sustainable Futures



Research Principal

Institute for Sustainable Futures

Proudly Supported by


By 2050, we’ll live closer to each other, we’ll connect in digital spaces as much as in person, and we’ll stick closer to home. Instead of battling the traffic we’ll enjoy seamless journeys on multiple linked modes of transport, physical and virtual. New forces – smaller families, a low-carbon economy, digital connectivity, an ageing population, knowledge-based work, globalism – are shaping the city of the future…Suburbs will be places to work instead of places just to get to work from, and those who don’t work from home will be within 20 minutes by train, bus, cycle or walk from their ‘local’ office.

-- Catherine Armitage --

The Event

UTS:Creating Futures 25 years


Sustainable Digital City of the Future

Public National Forum

How will the digital economy transform the way we work, travel and our cities’ sustainability?

Thursday, 1 August 5:00 pm-6:30 pm, then drinks
Great Hall, UTS, Broadway Ultimo
Bookings are Required (free!)

and   nationally via live streaming
Register for Live Streaming

and   with interaction via using #sdcnforum

Our Lineup

The Speakers

Moderated by

Deborah Cameron

Deborah Cameron has had a long career as a broadcaster, foreign correspondent in New York, Jakarta and Tokyo and journalist and editor in Sydney. When she was the presenter of ABC 702 Mornings in Sydney, Deb thrived on moderating bold, stimulating conversations.

Professor Ross Milbourne, Vice Chancellor, UTS
  • Official Welcome
Tim Williams, CEO, Committee for Sydney
  • Smart cities, smart governance
Brad Krauskopf, CEO and Founder, Third Spaces Group
  • The business case for smart work centres
Martin Stewart-Weeks, Director, CISCO International Business Solutions Group
  • Smart infrastructure – international view
Sam Nickless, Community Eng. Manager, GPT
  • Transport and Place: future trends
Professor Stuart White, Director, ISF
  • Concluding address

Organised by


Key Sponsors

Key Sponsor Key Sponsors Key Sponsor Key Sponsor



Register for the Forum

Register to attend the National Public Forum on the Sustainable Digital City at the Great Hall, UTS, Broadway, Ultimo, begins 5PM sharp, Thursday 1 August 2013.

Register for Live Streaming

Register to attend the National Public Forum by Video Link broadcast live, begins 5PM sharp, Thursday 1 August 2013.

Register for Live Streaming

(will take you to Redback's site)

Are we actually becoming ‘good at cities’ in a way we weren’t hundreds of years ago?

-- Ben Hammersley --


Informing Our Common Future

Building on its network membership spanning academia, policy, industry and civil society - the Sustainable Digital Cities Network (SDCN) is assembling a research consortium to investigate the opportunities afforded by smart work centres in Australian cities and regions.


Key themes for research include:

  • future of smart work centres: innovation hubs, user needs and preferences
  • quantifying the opportunity: aligning jobs, sectors and locations suited to smart work centres
  • enablers: best practice tenancy models
  • impacts: on transportation & economic development
  • policy options: and planning recommendations


If you are interested in contributing to fund research or collaborate in a case-study, please contact Damien.Giurco@uts.edu.au or Kerryn.Wilmot@uts.edu.au


+ 61 2 9514 4978

Institute for Sustainable Futures, Level 11, 235 Jones St, Ultimo, NSW 2007, Australia